It would only stand to reason that a marketing & branding agency would be pretty good at branding and marketing itself.
So I thought it might be fun to explore some branding & marketing concepts using our own agency, McLellan Marketing Group, as the guinea pig.
Brand your interviews
We brand ourselves so consumers can decide if we’d be a good match. We make a promise so that someone who isn’t interested in our promise just moves on. We should be using our brand to do that same kind of sorting/weeding for employees too.
Your interview questions should do more than tell you about the candidate. They should tell the candidate about you.
Here are some MMG favorites:
- What rules do you break at work?
- What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
- In a team environment, are you a motivator, player, leader, or enthusiast?
- If you were a salad dressing, what kind would you be and why?
- Persuade me to move to Des Moines.
- How do you manage stress?
- What’s your personal motto?
- You’ve got one seat left in the fallout shelter, family not included, who gets the seat?
- What’s your definition of working too hard?
- If I met one of your former co-workers at a BBQ and they’d had a beer or two, what would they tell me about you?
- If you could have one super power, which would you choose?
I’m not suggesting these are the questions for you. These questions speak to the MMG brand. Each of these give a little clue about the company and the people who work there.
So knowing your culture like you do — what might your branded interview questions be about?