Legal marketers get new resource

Legal Legal Marketing Reader,, creates a one-stop destination with easy access to the latest information on law firm business development topics by collecting the best on-line resources and constantly updated headline feeds from the industry's leading experts.  It's launch was announced yesterday.

"The idea is to create a trusted, no-nonsense tool for time-starved professionals that effectively filters out much of the spam and clutter encountered in broad web searches or traditional surfing," said Legal Marketing Reader editor and publisher Amy Campbell.

I went to check it out and was pleasantly surprised.  Instead of articles written in that legal beagle English — there were articles like "Facebook: Blocking and Tackling" and "Market or Die."

Looks like the new world of marketing has even reached the hallowed halls of justice!  I'm no lawyer (nor did I ever play one on TV) but there were several articles that caught my interest.  So…attorney or not, check it out.

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