I recently got tagged by Josh Spaulding for the Blog Improvement Meme. The timing is perfect because there are a few things I've been meaning to do for awhile. Hopefully by putting it into writing, I'll actually carve out the time to get these done.
If you recall, we did a complete blog re-design early in '07. So I've already gone through this exercise in the macro sense. I'm happy with the look and feel of the blog. But there are definitely some tweaks I'd like to do.
New/Better head shot: I took the current head shot myself and it shows! For a few months, I've been meaning to make an appointment with one of the photographers we work with, but I just haven't found the time. Now is the time!
Sidebar spacing: I really like the one sidebar design we decided on. But, as I have added things — I haven't spaced everything as evenly as I would like. (When my blog coach helps — it's fine, but I'm not as good when doing it solo.) I just added the BlogRush piece and need to go back in and scootch it down a little.
Greatest Hits: I decided on the 5-6 greatest hits posts in about December, based on 3 months of posts. Now that I have 12+ months, I want to go back and freshen those up. I've written several series (Marketing advice from my Italian Grandma, etc.) that I need to highlight.
How about you — how would you like to improve the experience of your blog readers?