Age of Conversation III — call for authors

Cover of "The Age of Conversation"

The authors of Age of Conversation I and II have been calling Gavin Heaton and me names for a week.  I think the most frequent word they used was insane!

I prefer to think of us as fools for love.  The first two books are a testament to all the buzzwords people so casually toss around when it comes to social media.

Community, Sharing, Conversation, Experimentation, Engagement, Collaboration.


Well if you want to see all that and more in action — join us.  Become one of the 300 authors of Age of Conversation III.

We invited the past authors a week ago and 137 of the 300 slots are already full.  So this isn’t something to ponder for days.  If you want in…get in now.

Here’s the drill.  All authors, by signing up, agree to sign away all right to their 400 word chapter (which won’t be self-promotional), to let us donate all proceeds to charity and to promote the book on their blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. presence.

Chapters will be due in early November.  Each author will choose a “theme” for their chapter among the ten we’ve designed.  They’ll serve as sections in the book.  We’ll allow 30 authors per section, so the longer you wait, the less choice you’ll have.

If you’d like to join us, please visit this link to sign up and choose your theme.   We’d love to have you!

UPDATE:  In less than 14 hours, we had 306 authors sign up and have closed the call for authors.  Thanks to everyone who has opted to come on board!

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