Content Rules (and boy does it!)

The Content Rules 

You will need to be a content creator and curator…or else you won't survive some of the new shifts in how people gather information, make buy decisions and build brand loyalty. 

We can't rely on others (mass media, press releases, other "official" sources) or hype to tell our story anymore.  It's our responsibility to tell our own stories and create content that helps people find us, understand us, and ultimately buy us.

This isn't a new topic for this blog — and if you're a regular reader, you know how vital I believe this is to marketing success today and down the road.

It's also the main thrust of the new book Content Rules by Ann Handley (Chief Content Officer for MarketingProfs), and C.C. Chapman (founder of DigitalDads). (click on title to buy the book from Amazon*)

I can hear you now…do we really need another "content is king" book?  Probably not.  This may not be the first book written on the topic, but it is definitely one of the best I have read.  It's fun to read, insightful and most important in my opinion — Ann and C.C. give you the tools to take action.

They set the stage by demonstrating why content matters and then quickly move into the how's.  A wide range of case studies, examples and stealable ideas will get your mind racing and the dog-eared pages multiplying.

I love the straightforward approach, the humor and the humanity of this book.  With chapter titles like Share or Solve; Don't Shill and If Webinars Are Awesome Marketing Tools, Why Do Most of Them Suck — you know you're going to learn a thing or two without having to dig through a lot of pretentious language or fluff.

The book itself is a living example of how potent content can be, when written for the reader, with their best interest at heart.  And that of course, is the kernel of truth that is the heart of content marketing. 

B-to-B your playground?  Have no fear — they take special care of you in this book with a chapter devoted just to you and plenty of B-to-B examples and case studies.

Seriously — you need to read and learn from this book.  Like now! 

Looking for the link to buy it? Here you go…click here.*



*Yup, it's an affiliate link.   

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