What is the most powerful selling tool?

October 3, 2007

This just in from the folks at Nielsen.  No great shock (I don’t think) to see word of mouth topping the chart, in terms of effective selling tools.  The power of a recommendation from a known/trusted source has long been the gold standard.

But what’s pretty interesting, and a big change from a few years ago, is the third highest item on the list.  Opinions posted online. 



So, what do you think?  What does this say about blogging?  Sites like epinion.com?

If you’re on the company side — what do you think it means for you and where you spend your resources?  If you’re a consultant or agency-side pro — what do you think it means for you and for your clients?

By the way…this was an international survey.  It covers 47 Markets: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Thailand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, UAE, United Kingdom, US and Vietnam.

Related posts:

~ How to get customers to talk about you
~ Is that your hand in my pocket?
~ Your future customer is behaving very oddly


How well do you listen to your marketplace?

October 3, 2007

Listen We’ve all heard the quote from the Greek philosopher Epictetus, "we were born with two ears and one mouth, so we can listen twice as much as we speak."

I doubt Epictetus was a marketing consultant, but it is not a stretch to apply his wisdom to our efforts.  Marketers have a tendency to "talk" a lot.  After all, we have a lot to say.  We have features to point out.  Benefits to reference.  Special pricing to announce.  Nothing wrong with any of that.

But we also need to listen.

How do we listen to our marketplace?  Try some of these on for size:

  • Client satisfaction survey
  • Client needs assessments
  • Attend industry trade shows
  • Monitor blogs for mentions of your company and your competitors
  • Read trade publications
  • The old-fashioned suggestion box
  • Google yourself/company

Along with those effective methods, there are also more direct and immediate ways to actively listen.  After you’ve completed a project or delivered your product, why not just pick up the phone and call? Ask for their impressions.  Find out if you surprised them in any way (good or bad) and what they expected the experience or product usage to be like.  Imagine how you would feel if you received that kind of call.  Appreciated?  Special? Is that the kind of call you’re likely to talk about?  You bet.

A word of caution.  Do not try to sell anything during this call.  This is about listening, remember? 

If you commit to listening more, you will glean insights that change the way you do business and you’ll see a spike in sales as a result.  Guaranteed.

How are you going to improve your listening this month?

Recent posts:

~ Are you really listening?
~ Listen and respond (Marketing Lesson from Walt)
~ Listen up


Join us for breakfast and some branding tomorrow?

October 2, 2007

Breakfast As you know, we MMGers are passionate about branding.  So much so that we want to share it with the business world. That’s why two years ago, we started hosting our monthly Branding Breakfast

October’s Branding Breakfast is tomorrow.  Other than the fact that it’s at the crack of dawn — it’s a good time.  You can enjoy a hot breakfast and a lively discussion about branding and how it could be applied to your business.

Here are the particulars:

Wednesday, October 3rd  (7:30 am – 8:30 am)
Workforce Development Office
430 East Grand
Downtown Des Moines

We hope you can join in the fun!


Marketing isn’t about shortcuts

October 1, 2007

Shortcut Remember that one essay test you took in school.  You meant to study.  But for some reason you just didn’t have the time. Truth be told, you didn’t really read the book.  But you skimmed over the Cliff Notes.  And you did repent in the end — cramming the night before the test. 

Sure, sure…you should have started cramming a few days earlier or at the very least, not so late that night.  With the radio on. 

Do you remember what you got on that test?  I’ll bet you weren’t happy with the grade.

Shortcuts didn’t work in school and they don’t work in marketing either.  I have yet to see a marketing department or agency that had a drive-up window. 

I get why it happens.  There’s an almost constant demand on CMOs and marketing directors to produce results.  And no agency worth their salt doesn’t want that too.

But there are some pretty important aspects of your business and products/services that need to be understood before we just whip up a brochure or direct mail series.

We aren’t doing the  strategic thinking and planning just to get our jollies.  We have a responsibility.  We owe it to you.  Because you’re about to spend a lot of money.   We want to make sure you spend it right.

This applies if you’re doing your own marketing too.

Getting ready to produce something. Are you sure you’re not taking a shortcut? 

  • If you can’t describe how you are genuinely and relevantly different from your competitors,  stop.
  • If you can’t describe your ideal customer, stop.
  • If you don’t have a broad brand/marketing plan so that you aren’t operating in a vacuum, stop.
  • If you haven’t defined how you are visually going to communicate your company’s offerings, stop.
  • If you don’t know how you’re going to follow up on the leads the new marketing tactci generates, stop.

Whether you’re working with your internal team or with your agency —  don’t short change the process.  If you do some strategic thinking up front and make some of those key decisions, the tactics and tools actually get produced much faster and much more cost effectively. 

Shortcuts are never going to yield the results you want.  Better to do it right than do it again.  Just ask your former teacher who gave you the C.

How do you ensure that you’re not taking a shortcut?

Related posts:

~ SWOT:  Your annual check up
~ Do you go where everyone else goes?
~ Product packaging – part of your brand or disposable?


Come mix and mingle

September 30, 2007

Conversations One of the things I love about big cocktail parties is the mixing and mingling.  It's a smorgasbord of conversations and you can drift in and out, sampling a little bit of each one.

So, imagine all the Age of Conversation authors standing around, drink in hand, chatting.  Wouldn't it be fun to flit from group to group, engaging with each author?

Well, until we can make that happen, David Brazeal of JournaMarketing (and an AoC author) is doing the next best thing.  He's vowed to create a podcast with each author and share them with all of us. 

He's got three done and you can check them out on his site.

Gavin Heaton
Becky Carroll

This will be a series worth watching for.  Thanks to David for putting the spotlight on each author!

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Blog makeover?

September 30, 2007

Construction I recently got tagged by Josh Spaulding for the Blog Improvement Meme. The timing is perfect because there are a few things I've been meaning to do for awhile.  Hopefully by putting it into writing, I'll actually carve out the time to get these done.

If you recall, we did a complete blog re-design early in '07.  So I've already gone through this exercise in the macro sense.  I'm happy with the look and feel of the blog.  But there are definitely some tweaks I'd like to do.

New/Better head shot:  I took the current head shot myself and it shows!  For a few months, I've been meaning to make an appointment with one of the photographers we work with, but I just haven't found the time.  Now is the time!

Sidebar spacing:  I really like the one sidebar design we decided on.  But, as I have added things — I haven't spaced everything as evenly as I would like. (When my blog coach helps — it's fine, but I'm not as good when doing it solo.)  I just added the BlogRush piece and need to go back in and scootch it down a little.

Greatest Hits:   I decided on the 5-6 greatest hits posts in about December, based on 3 months of posts.  Now that I have 12+ months, I want to go back and freshen those up.  I've written several series (Marketing advice from my Italian Grandma, etc.) that I need to highlight.

How about you — how would you like to improve the experience of your blog readers?

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September 29, 2007

Whiterose Today, in terms of milestones, is a big day at our house.  It's our daughter's first homecoming dance.  So we've been a blur of appointments — nails, hair and make-up.  Each and every decision has been painstakingly made. 

Since she is going with a gaggle of girl friends, I thought it would be nice for her to have a corsage, even if it is from her dad.  So while she was having her hair done, I slipped out to pick up the corsage of three white rosebuds I had ordered.

A family (a dad about my age and 5 kids ranging from wobbly toddler to teenager) absentmindedly cut in front of me at the florist counter.  I'm not even sure they saw me there. While a second clerk came up to find my order, I heard the original clerk ask the man if she could help him.  He said, "We need to order some flowers for a funeral."  The clerk asked, "Who is the funeral for?" and he replied in a very muted voice, "my wife."

One of his children, a little girl around 10, tugged on his sleeve just as the clerk was holding out my daughter's corsage for my approval.  The white rosebuds were perfect and I nodded but my heart and attention were still on the family to my right.  The dad leaned over to find out why his daughter was tugging on his sleeve and she softly told him, "I want to get mom some white roses."

My only goal at that point was to get out of the store without tearing up.

As I help our daughter with her corsage of white roses tonight, I am going to say a little prayer of thanks for our fun-filled milestone and for the family who bought white roses for an all-together different reason.

And if I tear up it won't just be because my little girl is growing up.

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My next cover? Rolling Stone.

September 28, 2007

Picture_1 I've always thought of myself as cover boy material.  But I was okay with starting small.  Not any more!

Thanks to Age of Conversation and Arun Rajagopal, Gavin Heaton and I have hit the big time!  Stealing straight from Arun's announcement:

We are the cover story of the Dubai-based Khaleej Times ‘Weekend’ magazine today! What an awesome way to celebrate ‘AOC’. KT’s feature writer Pratibha Umashankar pulled out all the stops to write ‘Mind Blogging’, a brilliant story on ‘AOC’ that also explores the following questions:
o What are the advantages of blogging?
o The implications of ‘blooking’ both commercially and from a readership point of view vis-à-vis conventional publishing
o The future of blogging and citizen journalism
o Implications of blogging in terms of news value

Several of the other AoC authors are also shown, holding their copy of the book. 

The lesson?  Never ever underestimate the power of collaboration and the spirit of giving first.  Thanks to all the AoC authors and especially Arun for making this possible.  Hopefully it means we will break a new milestone for our Variety donation!

What do you think I should wear for the Rolling Stone's cover shoot?

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Where is your customer’s watering hole?

September 26, 2007

Tiger You're on a photo safari.  You want to get a great shot of the elusive white tiger.  Where do you go?

How about where the tigers hang out?  Where is their watering hole?  Odds are pretty good that if you hang out where the tigers hang out — you'll get that shot.

The same is true of your customers.  Want to have access to them?  Go where they go.  Walk their walk.  Talk their talk.

By hanging out at your customer's watering hole, they become a person you're having a conversation with, not a crowd you are shouting at. 

Where do your customers gather?  What are you doing to make sure you're there too?

Related posts:

~ No one is a demographic
~ How's the view from inside the bottle?
~ BrandingWire: The coffee shop

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