Details, Details (Marketing Lessons from Walt)
November 28, 2006
This is the third in my eight-day series – Marketing Lessons from Walt. As my family and I enjoy Walt Disney World, I’m going to capture some of the marketing genius that I believe began with Walt’s passion and has now grown into one of the world’s most powerful brands.
The moment you cross onto Disney property, the magic begins. Yes, there are billboards touting the newest attractions. Sure, you might catch a glimpse of one of the signature structures like Epcot’s giant ball or Cinderella’s castle at the Magic Kingdom, but really it starts with their traffic signs.
Yup, traffic signs. We all know what they look like, right? Not Disney’s. You know you have crossed the threshold when you see signs like the one to the right.
The purple signs with mouse ear directional arrows are Disney’s way of signaling that a remarkable experience lies ahead. An experience where the attention to detail will delight and surprise you. Could they have used the standard street signs? Sure. But there was nothing special in doing it that way.
How do you signal your clients that something special is about to happen? That you and your company are extraordinary? What happens in your meetings or on your website or when your phone is answered that promises delights to come? Or are you just using the standard street signs?
Marketing Lessons from Walt – The Series:
- Surprise
- Privilege
- Details, Details
- Evolve
- Listen & Respond
- Set Expectations
- Dance With the One Who Brought You
- Knock Down the Barriers