Name a medium and I’ve got a learning tool for you!
November 24, 2008
Sure, there’s a 4-day weekend coming up. At least for us Americans. You bet — lots of turkey and pumpkin pie. And football. Let’s not forget football. Or, if you prefer — shopping.
But sooner or later, your brain is going to ask for of a jump start. And I’ve got just the thing for you…no matter how you like to learn.
Special Report: Rain Today’s Face to Face Networking Guide: A Primer for Relationship Building
Rain Today is one of my favorite resources. Tons of good information, webinars, research reports and smart writing. They’re offering this free report as part of their 7-day free trial. Here’s how it works.
- Sign up for their 7-day free trial.
- Download the Networking Guide.
- Explore all of their other resources, download all the articles, reports, etc. that you want/can.
- Decide if you want to remain a member or cancel without any financial obligation.
E-book: Back to Basics by Deborah Chaddock Brown
Deborah’s e-book is a great marketing 101 primer. She asked me to review her manuscript and provide a quote for her cover. Here’s what I said:
"Deborah Chaddock Brown is a bold-faced LIAR!! She promises 30 tips to market your small business in her new book, Back to Basics.
But there have to be at least 50 of them in there! With easy to grasp examples, Deborah offers the small business owner a cornucopia of marketing tips, tricks and best of all, proven techniques for building a rock solid marketing foundation.
Read this book with pencil in hand because you’ll be taking notes in the margins as you plan your way to smarter, more effective marketing."
Software: Marketing Plan Pro by PaloAlto Software and Duct Tape Marketing
This interactive software takes the small business owner through a step-by-step process that helps them identify their target audience, key messages, forecast sales and expenses, and track your progress once you’ve completed the plan.
John Jantsch, founder of Duct Tape Marketing, has been serving the small business owner and helping them wrap their arms around marketing for a long time. His involvement with this project means you can count on receiving a quality product.
Web-based video learning: Web Video University
Through a virtual classroom online, you can learn how to craft, script and create high quality web videos to use on your website or blog.
The Web Video University course is broken down into four weekly lessons which will cover everything from content to the technical aspects like lighting and sound. Dave Kaminski walks you through all of the basics and often offers some cost-savings alternatives to going out and buying big ticket equipment.
There you have it…and if none of these trip your trigger — be sure to check out the Amazon widget in the sidebar. It’s filled with books that I highly recommend.