Support and prayers for our buddy, MasiGuy
May 1, 2008
One of the biggest benefits of online communication is how quickly something can be created and shared. Works well for marketing and it also works well when the community needs to be alerted to something.
Today we quickly got word that Tim Jackson (aka MasiGuy), a much loved and respected marketing & cycling blogger was in a serious cycling accident Tuesday night.
While competing in a race, he hit the boards in the 24th lap of a 25-lap contest and sustained a concussion, broken ribs, a few of his neck bones are fractured, his thumb was badly severed and required surgery.
Fortunately he was wearing a helmet or this story would probably not have a happy ending. Tim’s going to have a doozy of a recovery but no doubt he’ll be back in the saddle as soon as he can be.
What can we do? What we do best. Rally around him, send encouragement, and if you can afford to, give him a little help financially to get through this tough time.
Read updates about him, leave a message and learn about the Get Well fund at this post right here.