Brilliant series on being successfully self-employed
August 10, 2007
Tony Clark has always been one of my favorite bloggers. He's a gifted artist. That would be enough for most people. But he's also an insightful and inspiring writer. (And a Disney fan, so that really puts him over the top!)
His blog, Success from the Nest, is much more than a hot bed of information and solid tips for the self-employed. Tony's posts and life/work balance, chasing your dreams, digging down deep to find the best of yourself, helping clients grow, and practical work tips are food for the brain and the heart of anyone out there trying to make a buck without selling their soul.
I always find something of interest on Tony's blog. But he's recently completed a five-part series called the Hierarchy of the Successfully Self-Employed. Whether you are self-employed or not — I promise you will find food for thought in this series.
It's about so much more than working.
Hierarchy of the Successfully Self-Employed (part 1)
Freelancing is for Suckers (part 2)
All the Aggravation of Employment, Without All the Perks (part 3)
You May Already be an Expert…You Just Don't Know It (part 4)
Gurus Share More by Doing Less (part 5)
Enjoy this series and if you're smart…enjoy Tony's blog on a regular basis.