So how good are you when you have no budget?

May 19, 2007

Cap I need you to put on your thinking cap with me.

Sure, it’s sexy to work on a project for Coke, Best Buy or NBC.  But let’s be honest, that gets old. 

I have something even sweeter on my desk and I’ve decided to let you in on the project.  (I know…give, give, give!)

And don’t think I’m not going to share the wealth. I’m doing this pro bono, so I can promise you that you’re going to make just as much as I do!

What is this once in a lifetime project?  Wait for it…

We’re going to create a marketing plan for a middle school!  No, not one of those swank private schools.  This is your run of the mill public middle school.  With 30 year old auditorium seats.  Having sat in them many a time, I can assure you — this is a need, not a want.

Let me give you the facts and then I would love to let you contribute some brilliant ideas to add to the plan.

The campaign:
  Not a Bad Seat in the House (they love the pun of it!)
The goal: "Sell" 400 seats at $200 each.  Each buyer will get a plaque they can personalize that will go on the seat itself.
The budget:  Come on, it’s the public school system.  We can print some fliers or simple one color brochures and they would probably spring for some postage.
The work force:  A few teachers, the principal and a handful of parents, including moi — who somehow became in charge of this little project.

Oh yeah…and school is out the first week in June.  So our most immediate access to the most likely buyer is 2 weeks and counting.

So come on you brilliant marketers — toss some great ideas my way.  Let’s build the plan together so  there’s "not a bad seat in the house!"  (It sings, doesn’t it?)

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My Shelves: A Look at My Books

May 19, 2007

Todd And recently posted a beautiful picture of his bookshelves and then "pulled" a few books off the shelf to share with his readers.  Then, he tagged a few of us to follow suit.  I’m willing to do so…but first I want to issue this disclaimer.

What you are about to see will frighten small children, may scar you for life and will tell you way more about me than you probably want to know.  Proceed with caution. 

If you come to our house, you’re going to quickly catch on to a couple things.

  • I love books.
  • I’m a little anal.

So put on your seat belt and let’s tour Drew’s bookshelves.  And yes, the books are shelved based on my own dewey decimal system! 

Bookshelf #1 — The marketing, branding and business books


Some of my favorites on this shelf include my personal business troika.  If I never read another author — I will always make time for Beckwith, Calloway and Farber. They are timeless, fresh and inspiring.

Selling the Invisible by Harry Beckwith

All of Harry Beckwith’s books should be on your must own list.  In Selling the Invisible, Beckwith summarizes key points about selling services learned from experience with his own advertising and marketing firm and when he worked with Fortune 500 companies. he doesn’t write — he tells stories to make his on target marketing messages come to life. 

by Ricardo Semler

This book captured my imagination as a business owner.  First published in Brazil in 1988 as Turning the Tables , this book was the all-time best-selling nonfiction book in Brazil’s history. Semler, the 34-year-old CEO, or "counselor," of Semco, a Brazilian manufacturing firm, describes how he turned his successful company into a "natural business" in which employees hire and evaluate their bosses, dress however they want, participate in major decisions, and share in 22 percent of the profits.

Indispensable by Joe Calloway

Indispensable goes straight to the heart of the issue and reveals how successful companies-of any size, in virtually any manufacturing, selling, or service endeavor-achieve market leadership through The Five Drivers of fierce customer loyalty. Indispensable shows readers how to:
    * Create and sustain momentum: overcome organizational inertia and keep moving forward
    * Develop habitual dependability: make consistency of performance a defining characteristic
    * Connect continuously
    * See the Big Picture Outcome: create compelling customer experiences
    * Engage, Enchant, Enthrall: make magic in the marketplace

Radical Leap by Steve Farber

This book gave me permission to lead my company, employees and clients the way I knew in my heart was right.  Using words like passion and love in the workplace may seem foreign or too soft — but it is really what it’s all about.  This book is about business, leadership, energy, audacity and love.

Bookshelf #2 — My passions (with a couple exceptions)

05bookshelf2_2 This bookshelf is a blend of whimsy, finance books, poetry, sports, and of course, a few poker books. But here are some of my heart’s favorites.

The Artful Dodger by  Tommy Lasorda

Tommy Lasorda has been called Baseball’s ambassador.  He let the Dodgers to many moments of glory. He bleeds Dodger blue and if you know me well, you know that I do too. This is Tommy’s story, his way.

The Mickey Mouse Watch by Robert Heide & John Gilman

Pretty much everyone knows that I am a student of Walt Disney and love most things Disney.  But what you may not know is that I only wear collectible Mickey Mouse watches.  This book is a very good primer into the world of Disney watches.

Selections from Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

I must admit, this is as much a sentimental favorite as anything else. This edition was printed in 1961 and my grandfather, who inspired my love of reading, gave it to me when I was young.  Inside, he wrote: "All that mankind has done, thought, gained or been: it is lying as in magic preservation in the pages of books."  Thomas Carlyle.

I think my grandfather would have loved the richness of blogs.

Bookshelf #3 — My ultimate passion — being a dad

This built-in bookshelf is filled with books about being a dad of a daughter and my collection of dad/daughter figurines.  (Its companion on the other side of the fireplace is filled with our DVDs but that’s another post!)

09bookshelf6 Odd Girl Out by Rachel Simmons

I had no idea girls  were so cruel to each other. This book scared the heck out of me, but it also was such an eye-opener.  I feel much better prepared for the teen years.

The author, who visited 30 schools and talked to 300 girls, catalogues c hilling and heartbreaking acts of aggression, including the silent treatment, note-passing, glaring, gossiping, ganging up, fashion police, and being nice in private/mean in public. She decodes the vocabulary of these sneak attacks, explaining, for example, three ways to parse the meaning of "I’m fat."

Lotions, Potions and Slime Mudpies by Nancy Blakey

This book is filled with recipes for laughter-filled afternoons.  Whether you are growing a mighty mold  garden or making your own silly slime — this book is packed with memories in the making.

What a Difference a Daddy Makes by Dr. Kevin Leman

There are many very wise moments in this book.  Leman talks about using every day as an imprintable opportunity and that every "big" talk is really a series of daily conversations that should start when your daughter is a toddler and continue on forever.  The stats and stories remind the reader just how critical it is to be an engaged dad.

Bookshelf #4 — Collectible books (by my definition) and the audio collection

This built-in bookshelf in the guest room protects my "books I will never, ever get rid of." Some are by authors that I consider almost sacred. Others are books that were my dad’s when he was a kid and yet others are some of my daughter’s favorites that have a special meaning for me. It’s also where the audio books are kept.  We’ve become quite the lending library of books on CD.


Early Autumn by Robert B. Parker

If I could only read one mystery author, Parker would be it.  he not only writes excellent mysteries but his books are also filled with human insight and struggles. I have a hardback of every book he has ever written.  He’s best known for creating the character, Spenser. (who was later the star of the TV series, Spenser for Hire).  Early Autumn is one of my favorites.

Minnie ‘n Me: The Perfect Bow by Lyn Calder (A Golden Super Shape Book)

I cannot begin to guess how many times I read this book out loud.  It tells the story of Minnie Mouse bringing her dog FiFi to school for show and tell day.  It also tells the story of a dad who read to his daughter every night for much of her early childhood, hoping to instill a love of stories and books.

Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire (CD series) by JK Rowling

This is my favorite of the Harry Potter series so far.  But what makes it absolutely remarkable is the voice work of Jim Dale.  I listen to a lot of audio books. Bar none, this is the most amazing performance I have ever heard.  By the way, this series is not just for kids.  But you owe it to yourself to hear Dale’s work.

Bookshelf #5 — Books on creativity and writing

This over burdened, not so fancy, put it together myself bookshelf is buckling under the weight of books on writing better, creativity and selling your writing.  It sits in my red walled office!

07bookshelf4 Woe is I by Patricia O’Conner

Unlike a lot of books about language, this one is light, witty and actually fun to read.  It really should be right next to everyone’s copy of The Elements of Style.

The Weekend Novelist by Robert J. Ray

The title pretty much sums it up. Ray, a former teacher, walks you step-by-step through the process of going from blank page to finished novel in 52 weeks.  He uses the same program to create his own mysteries series, featuring sleuth Matt Murdock.

The Artist’s Way at Work by Mark Bryan

This entire series is excellent for shaking the cobwebs out of your creativity.  This particular book focuses on the workplace and how to infuse it with adventure, innovation, creativity and satisfaction.  It’s a great blend of reading and working through exercises to help you sharpen the saw.

Bookshelf #6 — Books next to be read/books to be read again

08bookshelf5 This master bedroom bookshelf (and some floor space next to it) is where I stack the "next to be reads" and the books that are either sentimental or so remarkable that I want to re-read them.

Monkeywrench by PJ Tracy

This is the first book in a mystery series that I find very addictive.  It’s set in my home state of Minnesota and features some techno geek software writers as well as some flawed but very likable cops.  An interesting fact — PJ Tracy is actually a mother/daughter team who write the mysteries together.

The Journey of Desire by John Eldredge

This book smashes the myth that we desire too much.  But according to the author, our most important mission is to bring our heart along in our life’s journey.  This book gives you the courage to step out and chase your truest desires and deepest passi ons with God by your side.

Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins

I can’t begin to explain a Tom Robbins novel.  They are filled with satirical complexities that you sort of need to experience.  From the back of the book — Still Life With Woodpecker is sort of a love story that takes place inside a pack of Camel cigarettes. It reveals the purpose of the moon, explains the differences between criminals and outlaws, and paints a portrait of contemporary society that includes powerful Arabs, exiled royalty and pregnant cheerleaders.  It’s a wild ride, but it will have you thinking all along the way.

The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry

This classic tells the story of a young couple, rich in love but poor in pennies. For Christmas, they both sacrifice a beloved possession to buy the other a gift. Not only is it a story about gratitude and giving (which are two of the three words in my personal mission statement) but it is also masterfully written.  Each sentence is a work of art. Top it all off with the fact that it was a very sentimental gift…and you can see why its on the list.

Whew….well, if anyone is still actually reading this — we’ve come to the end.  You’ve now discovered that I am a book addict and that my need for order has forced many a bookshelf into this home.  I’d strongly encourage you to try a book or two on the list.  And as you might imagine, I’m happy to talk books any day!

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Effective or stupid?

May 16, 2007

Here’s the question:  Effective or stupid?

Assume, based on the casting, the audience is adults 45+.  Taking into consideration the audience, the message and desired outcome — effective or stupid?

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Taking the Age of Conversation and making it even better!

May 9, 2007



Don’t you love when someone takes a good idea and just adds value right on top of it?

Arun Rajagopal has decided to visit every Age of Conversation author’s blog and write a profile on each author.  Between the two installments, there’s just about a fourth of the authors profiled already.

Check out the series and a big thank you to Arun!  Hey Arun…don’t forget to tell us a little more about you too!

Profiles – 1
Profiles -2

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Meet the Age of Conversation Authors

April 19, 2007

Picture_5 About two weeks ago, Gavin Heaton and I announced that we were going to publish an e-book called The Age of Conversation.

We’re going to donate all proceeds to Variety, the Children’s Charity.  We’ve been spotlighting different chapters across the globe throughout our posts.

Then we shared that the book will be dedicated to CK and her mom, Sandra Kerley.

Of course, it was going to be an incredibly short book if only Gavin and I wrote it. So we invited all of you to join us.  To kick it off with some fire power, we started with an impressive list of confirmed authors to be sure:

Gavin Heaton
Drew McLellan
Valeria Maltoni
Emily Reed
Katie Chatfield
Greg Verdino
Mack Collier
Lewis Green
Ann Handley
Paul McEnany
Roger von Oech
Anna Farmery
David Armano
Bob Glaza
Mark Goren
Matt Dickman
Scott Monty
Richard Huntington
Cam Beck
David Reich
Luc Debaisieux
Sean Howard
Tim Jackson
Patrick Schaber
Roberta Rosenberg
Uwe Hook
Tony D. Clark
Todd Andrlik
Toby Bloomberg
Steve Woodruff
Steve Bannister
Steve Roesler
Stanley Johnson
Spike Jones
Nathan Snell
Simon Payn
Ryan Rasmussen
Ron Shevlin
Roger Anderson
Robert Hruzek
Rishi Desai
Phil Gerbyshak
Peter Corbett
Pete Deutschman
Nick Rice
Nick Wright
Michael Morton
Mark Earls
Mark Blair
Mario Vellandi
Lori Magno
Kristin Gorski
Kris Hoet
G.Kofi Annan
Kimberly Dawn Wells
Karl Long
Julie Fleischer
Jordan Behan
John La Grou
Joe Raasch
Jim Kukral
Jessica Hagy
Janet Green
Jamey Shiels
Dr. Graham Hill
Gia Facchini
Geert Desager
Gaurav Mishra
Gary Schoeniger
Gareth Kay
Faris Yakob
Emily Clasper
Ed Cotton
Dustin Jacobsen
Tom Clifford
David Polinchock
David Koopmans
David Brazeal
David Berkowitz
Carolyn Manning
Craig Wilson
Cord Silverstein
Connie Reece
Colin McKay
Chris Newlan
Chris Corrigan
Cedric Giorgi
Brian Reich
Becky Carroll
Arun Rajagopal
Andy Nulman
Amy Jussel
AJ James
Kim Klaver
Sandy Renshaw
Susan Bird
Ryan Barrett
Troy Worman
CB Whittemore
S. Neil Vineberg

The topics are as remarkable as the authors.  These authors are going to tackle everything from community to religion, job seeking to design, sharing to television.  And just about everything in between.

In less than 1 week, we exceeded our 100 author goal and we’re off to an incredible book.&nbs p; Thanks to all of you who have decided to write a chapter, to all of you who promoted the author request and to all of you who I know will continue to help us spread the word.

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I dare you not to love this

April 19, 2007

Picture_4 Picture this.  You dial your mobile phone.  You speak for half a minute.  Those sentences get e-mailed to your e-mail address. 

Or your client. Or your employee.   Or an intact team.  Or your spouse. 

It’s like instant dictation.  But not only does it get typed, it gets delivered. 

Brilliant.  I predict is going to be the breakout of 2007.  Here’s how I’m going to use it:

  • Dictate notes from meetings and send them to myself for a record.  Jott it.
  • I’m pulling out of a client’s parking lot and send a note to our Project Manager about opening a new job.  Jott him.
  • Forget milk?  Never again.  Jott me.
  • Have a breakthrough idea while waiting to board a plane — jott my entire staff before I forget said idea.  Jott the team.
  • Want to remind my daughter to do XYZ but she’s  going to get home before I do. Jott her.
  • See someone across the way at Panera and want to remember to call them in a week or so. Jott me.
  • Have forgotten to grab a book from the office 3 times. Jott me.
  • All the stuff that I try to write down before I forget it. Jott me.  Jott me. Jott me.

Ah yes…and on every e-mail there’s a link so I (or whoever gets jotted) can listen to the audio file.

You can’t tell me this wouldn’t be helpful to you too. Come on, admit it. You’re going to Jott.

I will give the geniuses at Jott the last word.


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5 ways to come up with new content

April 11, 2007

I’ve been writing a weekly marketing column since 1999 and today, as you know, I try to add new content to this blog every day.

One of the questions I often get asked is "how do you think of stuff to write about?"  Followed up with the inevitable "Aren’t you worried you’re going to run dry?"

Picture_3 It seems that Mohit Singhania (a fifth year student at IIT Bombay)  from Best-Blog-Basket has been wondering the same thing.  He’s started the "Be Original" project, asking writers, bloggers and other creators where they get their ideas.

I offer these ideas not just to you bloggers, but anyone who creates content.  Does your company have a web site?  Do you send out sales letters?  A company newsletter?  Hopefully this will trigger some ideas for you too.

Here’s my contribution:

The questions my clients ask:
  Clients will often call me after reading something I’ve written and say "was that about me?"  Usually, it’s not.  It’s a compilation of conversations over time.  But every once in awhile…

What I read:  Books, blogs, magazines, newspapers, cereal boxes.  If it has words, I like to read it.  And with each sentence, new ideas bubble up.

My interactions: Because I write about marketing and everything is marketing…I am surrounded by fodder.  Whether it is a trip to the ER or Disney World, there’s great material just waiting for me.

My own worries/concerns/wonderings:  Sometimes I think pretty good.  Sometimes it’s even worthy of sharing.

The analogies we use with clients: Some of my favorite posts were borne from stories/analogies that we use to help clients understand a marketing or branding concept.

Of course, that’s just scratching the surface.  The reality is — if you set your mind to watching for things that make you go "hmmm," you will find them everywhere!

If you’d like to read more about Mohit and his project, you can see the full details here.  Rather than tag specific people – I am going to invite all of you to participate.  If you do, remember to link back to Mohit so he can track everyone’s answers.

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What Would Mickey Mouse Twitter?

March 31, 2007

Picture_9 There’s a new meme in town and it’s hysterical.  It started with Kevin Dugan’s What Would Jesus Twitter that I shared with you yesterday.  Since then, people have added Sherlock Holmes, Abe Lincoln, and Lee Hopkins.

And it’s just begun.  So here’s my addition to the game.

What would Mickey Twitter?

10.  I don’t want to seem ungrateful but I think Walt’s a little obsessed with me.

9.    Sometimes, Minnie’s voice just grates on my nerves.

8.    @Mighty Mouse – so you really think I could learn how to fly?

7.    Driving Donald to his anger management class.

6.    Thank God Lily talked Walt out of naming me Mortimer.  Can you imagine the crap I would have taken?

5.    My fantasy? Sneaking into Small World and smashing those freakin’ singing bobbleheads.

4.    L: The happiest place on earth

3.    Just once I’d like to be seen as a “bad boy.”

2.    @Cinderella – how you doin’?

1.    If one more snot nosed little kid bangs his head into my crotch…

I’m not going to tag anyone specific, but come on…join in the fun!

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Turn things upside down: How to get your customers to talk about you

March 28, 2007

Spaghetti Want your customers to create some buzz for you?  Turn something upside down. 

We find comfort in conformity.  The "it always happens this way" comfort.  Which is exactly why we can’t stop ourselves from talking when someone flips things on us.


Phil Romano, the founder of Romano Concepts and Eatzi’s Market & Bakery, understood this. His place was always packed on Mondays and Tuesdays, which is normally a dead night for restaurants.

How’d he do it?

On a randomly chosen Monday or Tuesday, 200+ customers received a letter instead of a bill. The letter stated that because the restaurant’s mission was to make people feel like guests – it didn’t seem right to charge them for their food. Once a month, unannounced, this happened.

He comped meals one night a month, but he had a full house eight nights a month when all the other restaurants in town were empty. And, he got all of that word of mouth advertising for free!

What could you turn upside down?

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