Should you offer a guarantee?
March 25, 2007
You probably already do, implicitedly.
After all, if a customer is very unhappy with your service or product aren’t you going to do something — fix it, replace it, return it, repeat it, refund it– to make them happy?
Offering a guarantee is just merchandising and marketing your unspoken policy. But, the difference between letting it just be assumed and using it as a marketing advantage can be notable. Here are some of the advantages:
- It reassures the first time buyer that they have a safety net
- It sets the bar for your employees
- It gives you a platform to have a "here’s what we expect" conversation with your sub-contractors
- It clearly communicates your confidence in your product/service
- It allows you to define the terms of how you satisfy an unhappy client up front
You’re going to make it right anyway — so why not use it as a point of difference?
What experiences have you had with a guarantee — either as the customer or the company? Do you have a nightmare to share? Has it ever saved a customer relationship for you?
Flickr photo courtesy of mrshawn.