Content marketing playbook
August 22, 2011

...get a playbook to help you create content that matters
The idea of creating content to establish your expertise, influence the search engines and create a community has been an evolution of one of the oldest marketing tactics out there — sampling.
If I share with you what I know and you learn from it, value it, want more — then in theory, you’ll eventually move from the sample table to the real deal and hire me to give you the full benefit of my expertise.
In the good old days, we might have done that through demonstrations, speaking at conferences or printed newsletters. (All still viable methods, by the way).
But today — we have lots of new avenues, thanks to digital media and our ability to produce and publish content in a much wider variety of ways.
Every year or so, the Content Marketing Institute (brainchild of Joe Pulizzi) puts out a very informative ebook that outlines some of the best and most effective ways to create content that will connect you with customers.
The best thing about this ebook is that it’s loaded with examples that you can study, learn from and of course, adapt to work in your marketplace.
The 2011 version is out and you can download it absolutely free by clicking right here.