November 12, 2006
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I don’t know about you but Sunday nights are time for me to catch up. On my reading, on my work, on my relationships — all with an eye on Monday morning and knowing that the 180 mph pace is about to resume.
Sundays also seem to be my day for deep thoughts. I thought it might be fun to ease into the week together with a question that is sort of about branding and marketing but also has a personal element to it as well. A chance to get to know each other AND talk shop. Perfect for a Sunday night.
We’ve all read and heard about experiential marketing. Marketing that goes beyond features and benefits and actually makes the customer a part of the selling/buying experience. Great examples are some of the themed restaurants like Rain Forest Cafe or shopping/road testing a Harley. These businesses have captured a powerful marketing truth. People buy what they love and what they feel a part of. So here’s this week’s question:
What business or retail establishment best envelopes you into the buying experience, creates a lovefest between you and them, and makes you feel like a member of the club? And, of course, how do they do that for you?
My answer? Walt Disney World. (not just any amusement park or theme park — just this one) I step onto the grounds and I change. Physically, emotionally, mentally. I’ll bet if you tested it, my blood pressure would drop 15 points. The smells, the sounds, the visual stimulation — it all connects with me, heart and soul. Its hard to explain and sounds a little nutty I suspect, but its like going home for me. More on this later…
P.S. I plan on doing a 9-day blog series, "What marketing lessons can we learn from Walt Disney" in a few weeks, when my family and I make our annual pilgrimage to the mouse house.
P.S.S. Runners up for me in this question…the Apple Store, Barnes & Noble.