You need to read You, Inc!
March 18, 2007
Harry Beckwith gets it. Marketing. Branding. Communications. Relationships. Not only does he get it — he helps his readers get it.
Short, concise 1-4 page chapters. Each one punctuated with a summary lesson/thought. Compelling stories. And not just marketing lessons. Plenty of people lessons too.
Harry’s most recent book, You, Inc.: The Art of Selling Yourself was just released. It’s as good as the rest (see links at the bottom of the post.) of his offerings but a little different. The earlier books took a more global, company-wide perspective. This book shrinks the focus down to the reader.
If you want to:
- Communicate more clearly
- Sell more — for the right reasons
- Advance your professional stature and value
- Improve your presentations skills and results
- Find more satisfaction from your work life
then you need to read this book.
Beckwith is a master storyteller who never leaves the reader hanging. Together with his wife Christine (a much celebrated pro in her own right) he outlines very simple truths that can have a significant impact on your life. Professional or otherwise.
I’ve read some great business books already in ’07. This one tops the list.
Harry’s other books:
No business library should be without the complete set.